Single Father Underwent Dramatic Change
After Getting Stuck In A Turnstile
Ted Bradley, 35, was used to awkward situations being on the heavy side most of his life. But this time around, a family day trip to the Disneyland that saw him ended up getting wedged in a turnstile, especially in front of his kids, was a new low for him.
As he struggled to break free, the commotion quickly attracted a large crowd who was far from sympathetic, and he instantly became an object of ridicule. Many of them even stepped forward to poke at his protruding belly and posed for a picture with him.
Eventually, firefighters were called to the scene to dismantle the turnstile.
Ted: “I Couldn’t Believe I Had Allowed Myself To Get This Big.”
And More Humiliation Soon Followed…
“I was mortified! Once I got out of the turnstile, I just laughed it off. But at that moment, I had never felt so much guilt, shame and embarrassment.”
The public humiliation at Disneyland quickly went viral.
Everywhere on the street, people would yell derogatory remarks and that was the last straw for him. He was more determined than ever to trim his unsightly bulge, starting with a series of diet plans.
He Went All Out And Tried Every Fad Diet Imaginable.
Unsuccessful, Depression Then Took Over His Life…
“From Keto Diet, Zone Diet to the much more expensive Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and Nutrisystem. Not to mention many so-called natural supplements that nutritionists claimed would help.”
“I also turned to fitness programs. Signing up for Gym, HIIT, Pilates and more. They all cost me a fortune but again NOTHING WORKED!”
“I had even considered liposuction, gastric bypass and other surgical procedures as a last resort. But with 3 kids to feed, I simply couldn’t afford them.”
He Started To Binge Eat Uncontrollably.
This Saw His Weight Sky-Rocketed To 380 Lbs!
He would gorge down chips, soda, pizza well past midnight, night after night. On occasions, he would also force himself to throw-up out of guilt. This vicious cycle of bingeing and purging took a toll on his body.
He has all but given up on himself until one day…
While riding the subway to work, a ‘stranger’ tapped him on the shoulder. Ted looked over and had no clue who this beautiful lady with hourglass figure was.
When finally found out that she was in fact this obese girl back in high school, it shook him to the core. He could hardly believe his eyes and was stunned by her beautiful transformation.
After a quick catch up with each other, she learned that Ted had hit rock bottom. And began to reveal how her weight loss was achieved with zero exercise.
Ted Was Introduced To Jujutox™ – A Natural, Fast-Acting Formula To Support Inch Loss Effectively
She plucked something out from her tummy and handed it to Ted. It was a stick-on with slightly raised texture. She called it Jujutox™ and went on to explain in detail:
“Jujutox™ infuses the goodness of active herbal through our navel to maximize inch loss quickly, as well as inhibit the absorption of excess calories.”
“Its innovative transdermal technology speeds up lipid metabolism to effectively cleanse our intestine and body from impurities, so you’ll feel less bloated and swollen.”
“Other key natural ingredients such as capsaicin helps reduce cellulite while caffeine restores elasticity and tightens our skin.”
“It’s also botanically-based, so everyone can use it safely. For optimal results, just apply one piece per day for 8 to 12 hours.”
After Countless Failed Attempts, Ted Doubted That Jujutox™ Would Work. At Least Not For Him.
But Incredibly, The Pounds Soon Started To Shed…
In just 1 week, he had lost close to 25 lbs. Within a month, almost 90 lbs were gone. 2 months on, he had successfully lost a total of 184 lbs!!!
He needed a complete change of wardrobe because they all became too huge on him. He couldn’t believe how this little miracle has turned his life around.
Ted eventually took a trip down memory lane to Disneyland again.
This time as he approached the exact turnstile, all the memories came flashing back. Recalling how far he had come and all the humiliations endured, he took a deep breath and glided through the turnstile – effortlessly.
Tears of joy welled up in his eyes. With a newfound confidence, he bared his now toned belly for a picture with the turnstile. His 3 children were so proud and ecstatic for him.
Just Like Ted And His Success Story, Everyone Can Overcome Their Weight Hurdle With Jujutox™.
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