Can You Smell Your Way To Success? Science Says Yes
Getting A College Degree – Is It Not In The Cards For Americans Anymore?
Pursuing a college degree may seem like a natural transition from a high school diploma but come to find out, only 1 in 3 Americans make it to college. That’s because getting accepted in a college is harder than it looks. In fact, the biggest setback for students is the SAT test, a prerequisite for all college admissions in the country.
Students need to attain a minimum score of 1340 out of 1600 to enter any college. When they fail to meet that requirement, they’re forced to retake the test. Even then, students often get a worse score on their following attempt which is why so many students give up trying to get a college degree.
Think The SAT Is Tough? Think Again
The SAT is nothing compared to South Korea’s dreaded college entrance exam, CSAT. Students spend 12 years preparing for this one day as they sit through a gruelling 8-hour long test consisting of six different subjects.
Social pressure dictates them to attend Korea’s top-tier “Ivy League” universities rather than local colleges. But the fact of the matter is, only 1% of students are admitted. Failing will force them retake the test wasting another year of school.
That’s why there’s so much riding on the CSAT. Because it will affect their job prospects, income, where they will live and even future relationships.
But why are Koreans still able to handle the heat that comes with one of the most difficult tests in the world?
Confronting The Asian Stereotype – Is Intelligence Really In Their Blood?
As it turns out, the Asian stereotype is just a ruse. The secret, in fact, lies in a bottle of essential oil, a study staple in all Korean households to weather through the CSAT.
This genius invention was developed by Dr. Choi Kwang-Hoon, a leading neurologist in the field for over 15 years. Being a product of the highly demanding education system in South Korea, he knows only too well the stress and pressure that come with the CSAT.
With an extensive knowledge in neurology, he believed that it was possible to alter brainwaves for effective learning through the sense of smell.
According to previous studies, he explains:
“The sense of smell is closely linked with mental focus, clarity, and memory – more so than any of our other senses.”
“There are neurotransmitters in the brain which can be affected by aromas.”
“Inhaling certain scents can stimulate and boost electrical activity in the brain.”
“Improving cognitive functions which allows you to study more effectively.”
However, only research was done to confirm this link. So, Dr. Choi wanted to take it up a notch by discovering the exact aromas that induce brainwaves – particularly in traditional herbs from his homeland such as Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.
The EEG Experiment That Changed The Course Of History
To kickstart his discovery, Dr. Choi and his team carried out an electroencephalogram (EEG) clinical trial consisting of two groups of participants.
The treatment group showed significantly better outcomes than the control group. In fact, the EEG revealed that participants working in a room with the aroma of Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba emitted stronger brainwaves.
According to the results of the EEG graph, both Gamma and Beta brainwaves were predominantly present at that point of time. Gamma waves are associated with peak concentration whereas Beta waves indicate an alert and focused state – both which are prime for effective learning.
As a result, participants in the treatment group achieved 63% better results in both memory and IQ tests. Dr. Choi credited this achievement to the aroma of Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba.
Here, Dr. Choi elaborates:
“Our brain is abuzz with all different frequencies of waves but certain ones are more dominant at any given moment.”
“Stronger brainwaves are associated with enhanced cognitive function and improved memory which was the case for the treatment group.”
“Because once the aroma of Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba are detected by receptors in their nose, the signal heads straight to parts of the brain that help handle memory and information processing.”
“This allows for quicker absorption of information and enhanced problem-solving skills.”
Introducing MindBooster™ – The Magical Elixir That Gives Your Brain The Boost It Needs
This discovery was already a breakthrough on its own, but Dr. Choi found a flaw in diffusing the aroma of Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba in a room – the smell couldn’t last for longer than 2 hours. This gave him an idea to infuse these herbs into an essential oil and that’s how the MindBooster™ was born.
Packaged for convenient application in a roll-on bottle, the MindBooster™ is formulated with 100% natural essential oil blend of not only Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba but also menthol and licorice which gives it a mild invigorating spring-like scent.
This combination helps MindBooster™ last 4 times longer than any other essential oils. Simply apply it on the crown of your head, behind your ears, neck and temples to improve critical thinking skills, increase productivity and fight distractions.
South Koreans Can Proudly Vouch For MindBooster™
Koreans have been using MindBooster™ as a study staple for years now which is why it comes to no surprise that South Korea is the most educated country in the world.
The MindBooster™ has gained such massive success in South Korea that Dr. Choi wanted to bring this product to the U.S. especially after seeing how students there are struggling to keep up with the SAT.
After all, the SAT in America is just as important as the CSAT in South Korea. It either makes or breaks their future.
Students as well as working adults alike are using the MindBooster™ as a daily pick-me-up. So, why don’t you give the MindBooster™ a try too for an instant boost? Uplift your mood and productivity one drop of essential oil at a time.