CyberShield RFID Blocker
CyberShield RFID Blocker: Your Only Reliable Payment Card Protection Against Digital Thieves
Criminals can steal your credit and debit card information right out of your wallet or purse by just walking by you. With this anti-theft card, thieves don’t stand a chance!
Wireless Theft Made Easy With Contactless Technology
The prevalence of contactless technology has made stealing a breeze. In fact, it takes as little as 3 seconds for your credit or debit card information to be in the hands of criminals. As much as you think that your cards are safe and secure in your wallet or purse, they’re not.
Cyber thieves have discovered the easiest way to rip you off. All that’s required is a simple RFID skimming device which costs less than $20 on eBay and for them to be within 4-5 feet from you. Within seconds, all your card information will be in their possession. By the time you find out, it’ll be too late. You’ll be left with a huge debt from the fraudulent charges made on your card.
Banks Don’t Have Your Backs
While all banks assure you that you won’t be liable to the unauthorized charges, the process of recovering your money back is a lengthy one. Banks purposely make it difficult for you by delaying or even denying your claims because pushing the responsibility back to you saves them money.
Therefore, they’ll come up with all sorts of excuses just to get out of refunding you. In the end, you still must pay for the fraudulent charges out of your own pocket.
Introducing The High-Tech Solution To Preventing Cyber Thieves
From Stealing Your Card Data
The CyberShield is an RFID blocker which offers protection against card skimming. It’s made of special metallic multiple foil layers which reduces the readers’ transmitted signal power preventing the microchip in the card from working.
Essentially, RFID readers transmit signals which powers the microchip in the card and sends data back to the reader. The CyberShield works to prevent this by blocking RFID signals or by transmitting a signal that interferes with the reader. This means that your data is safe from thieves.
We Recommend This Product!
We believe that the safety of your credit and debit cards should never be compromised. Once your card information gets in the wrong hands, its vulnerable to being abused unknowingly.
Don’t risk getting skimmed. Keep all your cards safe with CyberShield and never fall victim to card skimming.