Shipping usually takes 2 to 3 weeks from the date of your order, but can even be earlier, as fast as 5 days depending on your location!

Shipping fees are calculated at checkout and may vary depending on where you and your items are located.

We are required by law to state the full value of your order for customs purposes; however most of our customers have reported having no issues with parcels being stuck at Customs. However, we are not fully in control over these charges and cannot determine how much they would be if applicable, since customs policies may vary from country to country.

Just in case, you may opt to contact your local customs office for any clarification. You still may be subjected to duties and taxes at the Customs in the event your parcel is being withheld there. Do let us know via hello@novazola.com should you come across this situation, and we'll assist you as far as we can!

We currently accept payments using your Paypal accounts or credit/debit cards. As promised, shopping with us is super easy, safe and secured with our PCI-compliant payment gateways!

  1. Just click on any item you want to review the details.
  2. Select your choice of color, size, etc. if applicable, and click on 'Add To Cart'.
  3. You will then be directed to your Shopping Cart Summary or a cart drawer will appear from the right hand side of your screen. Here, you can choose to continue browsing for more items or proceed with your payment by clicking on the "CHECKOUT" button. If you wish to add more products on your cart, simply go back to our catalog pages or product page, then repeat steps 1 and 2.
    There are also two ways to checkout: (1) you can click the PayPal button on the cart page which will activate PayPal's secure payment process in a popup window (2) or you can click on the "CHECKOUT" button to proceed to Nova Zola' standard secure checkout process. Right here, you may again choose to pay using your PayPal balance, or continue using your debit/credit card.
  4. If you have clicked the "CHECKOUT" button and been redirected to the checkout page, fill out the required information in each process step. Always double check your order summary in each step as it gets updated e.g. when you are adding a shipping method, or applying a discount code.
  5. Make sure to confirm your mailing address and phone number so we can include it on the delivery notice, so the postman can reach you just in case you're not home when your package arrives.
  6. For the 3rd and last step of the checkout process which is the payment method step, proceed with your payment using your debit/credit card or PayPal balance. Always confirm your payment information.
  7. Finish your purchase by clicking on "Complete Order" button. You will then be redirected to the thank you/order status page. You may want to bookmark or take note of the information on this page since it contains details (e.g. order tracking number) which you can use later to monitor the status of your purchase or any relevant updates.


We offer a no questions asked return policy of 30 days right after you received your purchase for your ease of mind! For more information do kindly read our Return policy here!

Nova Zola offers products from various participating merchants so we cannot really say when the items will be back again. But you can always let us know if there are certain products that you want and we'll be more than happy to double check for you!

We are so sorry things didn't turn out as what you expected! First, do get in touch with one of our friendly customer representatives and we will see what we can do to ease your problems! Also, please do refer to our Returns policy page for more information on what can and cannot be returned.

Our friendly team of customer services is available 'round the clock at hello@novazola.com, or you can hit us up with a message HERE. Be sure to subscribe to our email list for our special promotions so you can get better deals for the amazing products we have in store!